


今天,几乎每个人都有信用卡. Reportedly, 7 in 10 Americans have at least one credit card. 根据TransUnion, 信用数据机构, 2021年第三季度, 发行的新卡数量达到了20张的历史新高.100万年.

The reach and popularity of credit cards have made it a major target of fraudsters. 最“直接”的信用卡骗局是盗窃. When a new card gets delivered to your mailbox, someone may steal the card. 类似的, 如果你的卡丢了, an unscrupulous person may get his hands on it and take advantage of your credit. Other fraud schemes include skimming, identity theft, phishing, vishing, and card, not present fraud.


卡ID theft happens when the fraudster comes to know the details of your card and tries to use those details to charge it.

网络钓鱼 is a scheme by which the scammer takes credit card details from unsuspecting customers. 这是一个在线系统,罪犯, 冒充合法实体, 获取您的信用卡号码, 截止日期, 和CVV号码(安全码).

Vishing (语音钓鱼)也是类似的, but here someone pretending to be from the credit card company calls you to get more information about your card.

卡,不在场(CNP) fraud happens when the perpetrator uses your CVV number to pretend he is in possession of your card. Merchants use the CVV number when you make online purchases to verify that you are in possession of your card. 店内购买不需要此验证.

But if the fraudster somehow finds out your credit card number and 截止日期, he can try to find the three-digit CVV number by trying various number combinations, even if that means he tries a thousand different combinations before he succeeds.

信用卡盗刷 is a fraud scheme in which a modified POS (point of service) machine is used to capture your card details. The details are then used to create a duplicate card that can be used to charge your card. The fraudster who wants to withdraw money using your card may even install a spy camera in an ATM to capture your PIN.


There are precautions you can take to protect yourself from these schemes. 以下是其中的一些:


A legitimate representative from a credit card company will never call you and ask for your credit card number, 截止日期, 或CVV号码作为任何验证过程的一部分.

Also, you should never divulge this information to anyone online, even if you receive an email. 网络钓鱼 perpetrators will send you an email with a link to click to take you to your credit card’s website. 然而, this is usually a fake website designed to look similar to the real website to fool you into giving your credit card details.

Always ensure that you type in your bank or credit union’s URL on the address bar of your browser, 而不是点击电子邮件中的链接. You should look at the address bar and ensure that the browser verifies the site’s security certificate. In Chrome, it should say “Secure” with a green padlock in the address bar. Without ensuring the authenticity of the site, do not put in your credit card details.


Rather than checking your monthly statement for any anomalies, you should check your credit card account online once a week to ensure there are no unusual transactions. 即使是很小的费用也不应该逃脱你的审查. Small charges on your account may well be an indicator that someone is trying to test your CVV number. Be vigilant and ensure to inform your credit card company about any unusual charge you find.


When you are giving your card for payment, ensure that it is still in sight. Do not give your PIN to anyone; rather, insist on typing your PIN yourself on the POS machine. It may be difficult for you to check whether the POS device used by the merchant is genuine or can skim your card. But if you think anything unusual is happening, take your card back.


You are entitled to a free credit report every year from Equifax, TransUnion, 和益百利通过年度信用报告.com. You can use this to verify if your identity has been used by someone else to make transactions. The credit report will give you detailed evidence of any fraudulent activities in your name.

更好地保护自己, 你可以向你的信用机构发起欺诈警报, so that the banks or creditors are informed every time a credit request comes in your name. You need to initiate the fraud alert with only one of the agencies; the other two will receive automatic notifications.


There are many skimming methods to steal your card information. Some schemers attach a skimming device inconspicuously to the ATM. Gas stations and department stores may also have compromised POS machines with the skimmer placed on them.

通常, the skimmer on a POS machine can be detected if you look carefully for any unusual projecting parts. There are also some YouTube videos that can help you identify a skimmer at any POS.

You might say it pays to be paranoid in today’s world full of crooks and thieves. In the case of credit cards, the main issue is their prevalence. 几乎72%的人都有, but only a fraction understand the technology and its vulnerabilities. If you are careful with your credit card, you can avoid scams easily.

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